
Friday, January 28, 2011

Not every meal is a laborious one at our house. I take Alex out to a fast food restaurant once a week to practice eating out in public, and to give myself a little break. Even though eating at the McDonald's might not always be the best practice or the most nutritious, I am pleasantly surprised how many more healthy options there are today than when I was a little kid in the 80's. The chicken nuggets are all white meat ( mechanically separated), you can get apple slices instead of french fries, tea instead of soda, the side salad has a great potential for being nutritious with choice of low fat natural dressing. I guess McDonald's gives you ' free will' now to choose what fits best in your particular life style.

I know most of the foods I post on here aren't the most healthy foods, but the truth is that we really eat them in moderation. I keep chicken portions to 3 to 4  ounces instead of the insanely large chicken breasts the store cuts them into. I sneak vegetables in whenever possible. I choose high in fiber side dishes such as beans and brown rice. And most importantly, I keep sweets to minimal serving size (except the lemon bars, I tore those up. LOL.)
I think it's sad how it seems like the only shows that teach nutrition tend to be shows where people who battle obesity are put in a side show of reality TV.On a side note, has anyone else noticed how the Biggest Loser has turned into a slightly exploitative show where the majority of the nutritional tips are advertisements for corporate sponsors?If it weren't for them and all of the heart they put into everything, the show would not still be running.  Jillian is a strong powerful female role model. Bob is a wonderful yin to the yang and motivates people with a beautifully karmic personality.  They really make the show what it is today.  I really hope that they changes that they are making on the show now are really for the betterment of humanity and not just for ratings.

Not correct "portion size"
 I'm really happy that there are these alternatives that we can use. Except, the unfortunate part is that labels can be very deceiving. Especially the label of "low fat". Buying only low fat or fat free products aren't always the leanest way to go. Let me explain why. Sometimes low fat or fat free foods can have a very high caloric content.  So you might ask, how can something have a high caloric content but low on fat? The answer is sugar!  Somethings that are high in sugar  don't have any grams of fat! That's an Oprah "Ah ha" moment.

(See below for full size)
 All these calories from sugar can actually be way more harmful than calories from fat if you don't watch out.  All of those high calories from the sugar only really provide energy to the quick muscle tissue, meaning small movements.  If you don't use them- glycolosys- WAM- weight gain.  Also sugar is a highly addictive compound.  For example most of the time when you drink a Mountain Dew or a Sierra Mist or even eat a cookie, the sugar makes you want to eat more sugar. Sometimes if you eat a lot of sugar you can even feel the oral buzz that it provides in your mouth.  I highly recommend trying this. Next you eat a large amount of sugar (we all do at some point) stop, and feel the sensation that it leaves in your mouth.  Ah you see- sugar is a drug!  And the worst part of it is that it causes more deaths than other oral stimulants like chewing tobacco. At least chewing tobacco gives you a warning on the side of the can.  

As long as I'm ranting about nutrition, I would like to add one more side note.  When I went to Mongolian Barbecue this past weekend, my little boy got a food cup that had a diagram of a food pyramid. One problem- it's the old food pyramid! The USDA changed the food pyramid in 2005! Theyhave improved the science from a decade ago when they created the original food pyramid, and now have completely changed it.  How did they change it? They turned the pyramid on its side. It's no longer called the "Food Pyramid" but "My Pyramid".

New "My Pyramid"

Old "food pyramid"

As you can tell there are some differences now. With the help of Dr. Atkins, there is a big change in the Grains section. Grains are no longer supposed to be the most eaten, gone are the days of eating bread, pastas, and cereals all day.  No we are supposed to consume equal amounts of grains and vegetables.Also, according to the 'new' My Pyramid grains, vegetables AND dairy are supposed to consumed in equal amounts.  The amount of fruits we are supposed to eat is less. We have found out that fruits contain a lot of sugar, all be it natural sugar, but sugar nonetheless.  It also suggests that we now eat less meat products.  I guess my big problem with this is that a lot of people still don't know about the new food pyramid. I found out myself about a year and a half ago. 

Our knowledge of food is ever evolving with the changing science.  However, we do know the best way to remain healthy is to exercise and eat within moderation.  This doesn't mean that you have to be the skinniest person, there are a lot people that are overweight that are actually in better health than skinner people.  You have to eat in a healthful way.  Consume the amount of food that you are suppose, and again that means for some people eating more.  Get out (or stay in) and get some kind of exercise a few days a week.  Even doing some types of household chores can help you get your exercise in- rake some leaves anyone?

I guess the reason that all of this is so important, and why I am so passionate about this is because of have seen members of my family eat their way into their own graves. According to the Wellness International which studies these statistics, Eight out of ten people in the United States are over weight. 58 million overweight, 40 million obese, and 3 million morbidly obese. New studies are showing that 1 out of every 4 of overweight children begin to show symptoms of type 2 diabetes. According to their website: 

Obesity Related Diseases

  • 80% of type II diabetes related to obesity
  • 70% of Cardiovascular disease related to obesity
  • 42% breast and colon cancer diagnosed among obese individuals
  • 30% of gall bladder surgery related to obesity
  • 26% of obese people having high blood pressure
This is completely staggering.  When I think about this, I see visions of the movie Walle.  How everyone is just blobular due to centuries of laziness and poor diet. Our diet is the thing that keeps our vehicle of a body active.  It is the thing that houses our mind and soul.  The truth behind the whole matter is that food really is a drug. To many people it calls and soothes.  I just really hope that those 8 out of 10 people wake up before it's too late.

Sugar... only 18 calories, and its all empty.


Anonymous said...

i doubt anyone will unfriend you because of your personal opinions. I have enjoyed your foodblog. :) AMY

Anonymous said...

Well said Virginia..straight from the heart ...and oh so true....with love.. and for the love of Alex ♥

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